*exact program dates released soon*
Hey Beautiful,
I'm Kamala Leslie and I came to this powerful, beautiful work many, many years ago as I sought healing around feeling totally numb and confused around my sexuality (unless I was self-pleasuring, which, the way I was doing it, honestly wasn't that fulfilling.)
photography by https://lindsaycarlisleboudoir.com
I didn't know what I was wanting or feeling half the time, or how in the heck to express my feelings and desires.
I was under the spell of our culture that what men wanted from and with me was the holy grail of what I should also want.
I found myself contorting myself into awkward situations.
It showed up as sending mixed signals to men (good girl pleaser conditioning mixed with my true unvoiced feelings!) and disappearing myself during sex (ouch!)
I felt that I was broken and like something was wrong with me and I found myself apologizing for myself to men all the time (major ouch and lots o' anger under the surface)
Quite honestly, sex became a source of anxiety for me, and this was actually a microcosm of many areas of my life.
I was a secret over-giver... hoping if I gave a half-baked yes here and there, these situations I didn't REALLY want would go away. It was so draining. (And of course, that's not how it works... those situations just kept showing up).
When you feel you have no permission or safety to actually discover and be TRUE to your feelings and desires as a woman, this is one way it can look. (and so no wonder, that women at times feel 'no desire' or connection to what they really want. If we think the way things are is all that's on the menu, our inner light goes dim and flat).
In a culture that teaches us virtually nothing about loving our bodies or our sexuality... that pushes us into feeling 'not enough' or 'too much'... that if we speak up we aren't feminine, but if we are silent out of fear, it's still our fault.... Or to keep your legs closed and say NO to prove you're a lady, but then give a false YES from pressure or insecurity.... it really is no wonder so many women struggle to find and experience the inherent beauty and sacred power in their sexuality.
Our pelvic area acts as a 'second heart' and often holds some of our more tender feelings or conditioning that we haven't been able to fully be with. This in turn creates blockages in this area and stops us from connecting to our deep center and relaxed, pleasurable feelings. In some cases, it may manifest as a hyper-sexual response but one that still leads to feelings of guilt or shame.
Some of the other ways that sexual numbness and disconnection from yourself might show up in your life:
Thankfully, I didn't give up on my knowing that I was living in some misaligned untruth and I followed my intuition into this work. I'm a mystic so I fell in love with the spiritual side of these teachings and practices (and THANK GODDESS they weren't taught as yet another spiritual system led by men that put rules on the female body.)
Through consistently using what I teach you in this course, I came to feel deeply FULFILLED, CONFIDENT, and CONNECTED in myself. I learned to TRUST my body's feelings and signals. My yes's became clear as did my no's. I came to feel that my sexuality and my yoni truly belong to ME as a sacred temple of gushing joy, wisdom, power, and beauty.
Truth be told, I knew 20 years ago, in my 20's, that I would be teaching this work someday.
You see, SHE, my yoni wisdom, was guiding me all along.... (has yours, perhaps led you here?)
This guided journey will bring you home to yourself. You will awaken into feeling like luscious fire (or flowing like blissful water) in and out of the bedroom and empowered with turned-on inner-TRUTH (and a joyful, relaxed pu$$y) in ways that are AUTHENTIC for you.
There is also a MAGICAL MAGNETISM that gets ignited through tapping so deeply and lovingly into your own ESSENCE; your sexual life force energy. You literally become "full of yourself,"- of your own juicy life force energy in the best way possible. (more of that, please!)
The self-crowning coming-home-to-herself experience an awakening woman has when she CHOOSES herself in this way *is* the awakening of your feminine majesty.
And here is the real truth: you choose it YOUR way because your Feminine Majesty guides you as your luscious, raw, gorgeous, pulsing, holy desire.
(Yes we literally pulse!)
So out of my absolute love and devotion to this work and to serving soulful, mission-driven, deep-feeling womxn on this planet (who see through some of the shallow mainstream howls of pu$$y power hype), I've combined years of study, training, and practice into this potent and gentle, yet effective guided group online program. It is designed to give you the keys you already hold to awakening your feminine majesty as a Jade Queen.
Because, for me, in being called into leadership to help dismantle systems of harm and to birth and anchor in new consciousness and ways of being for womxn on this planet, you as a woman being asked to carry the pain and legacies of other people's SHAME and HARM in a way that impacts your self-confidence, your vitality, your ability to LOVE yourself inside and out is NO LONGER OK.
You have the opportunity in these times of profound, intense change to release these ways from your body + being and reclaim the sacred vessel that you are as a feminine leader that does not deny or put yet another set of rules on your sexuality and body. It is my true devotion to be of service in this way to women.
So I ask, are you a woman who ~
Sometimes has sex you don’t enjoy to stay in connection with the other person?
Habitually dissociates from your bodily experience and spends more time disconnected than feeling present and embodied?
IS a mission-driven badass in your life, and yet you still seem to avoid this part of yourself?
Feels like you don’t really own your sexuality, or even know how to?
And do you deeply desire~
Or perhaps you just know there is MORE to be discovered & you're ready to dive-in.
(and hint, there is so much more to this powerful system than popping it in and wearing it around! and like some mass media may wish women to believe~ it is not a "trend" nor is it "dangerous.")
If you sometimes feel overwhelmed in large groups and prefer to learn in an intimate container with the careful, attentive guidance of a teacher who can guide you back home to yourself in a safe and supportive environment…
Then I invite you to join me on this guided 7 week journey igniting you into your radiant feminine power and spirit through the gateway of your sexuality.
This foundational course utilizes the Taoist Jade Egg practices and teachings combined with other powerful, proven pleasure awakening practices and inquiry.
This virtual course is a gentle but power-packed combination of live Jade-Egg practice rituals, teachings, group coaching, self-inquiry exercises, and sexy weekly ‘experiments’ so you can...
Awaken your pleasure centers
harness your sexual vitality
liberate your orgasmic capacity
cultivate confidence in trusting your sensual body, inner signals, and deep desires as a woman.
And, this program is also powerful for
gently healing past relationship hurts,
difficulty setting boundaries
releasing old stagnant emotions & fears
... or, if you're just not feeling that great in your sensual body.
Learn with the support of and connection to other amazing women while practicing from the comfort and safety of your home.
This group program is a space where discrimination and racism is not tolerated. I am actively engaged in allyship and somatic trainings to further my commitment and ability to create and provide safe spaces for BIWOC.
"This series is transformative. Kamala is an incredible teacher who can guide your curiosity and discovery in a gentle and supportive way.
Prepare to laugh, cry, and be wowed."A.B.
"I was so excited when I saw the advertisement for this course on Facebook…. I am a mother of 3 and wanted to remember the parts of myself that have been forgotten in all it takes to run a family. I was looking forward to having one night a week that was just focused on myself and my sensuality… Kamala made us all feel so comfortable. It was playful, inspiring, and very healing.
In one of the rituals, I had a very deep healing with lots of tears and something was unblocked. I was able to access a deep part of my power and sensuality. I am so thankful and inspired by this work. I’ve experienced shifts in my relationship, self esteem, and my business. I feel more connected to myself and my power. Thank you Kamala for sharing this with us. I’m ready for the next series!"H.B.
You will also learn in this course to:
Your relationship to your own sensuality and embodiment is actually FOUNDATIONAL to how you relate to yourself, to others, and to the rest of your life and this powerful group program and guided journey gives you the keys to intimate self-connection. If you are already on a path of sensual aliveness, this is a wonderful way to receive the teachings, practices, and transmissions for your own pleasurable deepening.
What is included in the course?
What else do I need?
You will need the ability to create private, undisturbed space for the live practice rituals + for cultivating your own practice. Please consider if you live in shared space with a partner and/or kids that making this happen for yourself is already a transformative act of power.
An open mind, willingness to engage, discover, and learn, and the ability to commit to your own journey are recommended.
Choosing & prioritizing this program as an act of sacred self-love is powerful!
You will be encouraged to show up to as many calls and rituals as you can while also honoring your body's pace during the program. Doing something will still be more beneficial than doing nothing.
This is an intentional 'stress-free' zone. You are encouraged to show up to sessions in any state of mind, no matter what, and know the container will not add additional stress (barring technical glitches!). While this work is deep, we will also laugh and have fun.
"The Jade Queen course really awakened my sacred feminine gate. From the deep clearing and cleansing to the divine connection with my jade egg, I was able to tap into some locked up emotions and physical trauma that I was storing in my sacred area. Kamala is such an amazing and inspiring instructor that gently guides you through this awakening.
It is a must for anyone who would like to explore, heal and generate power with the sacred feminine!" -H.H.
Jade Queen Course Breakdown
Below is a break down of the sections. The flow of the content may change depending on the group energy but the topics will all be covered throughout the course.
Setting the Space Inside & Out: Creating Sacred Space + the Power of Intention & Attention
Jade Egg basics, preparation, contraindications, and more
Jade Activation + Breast Massage + Full Body Love Caress
The Mindset of a Queen + The Pleasure Compass
Learning Your Body: Pleasure Scapes Part I & 2 (Anatomy)
Emotional Healing + Consent
Exploring + Rewriting Sexual Stories
Sexual Reflexology + Womb Clearing + Receiving Yourself
The Deep Heart of a Queen + Loving Your Pleasure Palace
Awakening the Primal Divine + Harnessing Sexual Power
Boundaries + Desire
Hormones + Rejuvenation
Owning Your Rage + Unleashing the Wild + Deeper Pelvic Floor training
Harnessing Your Power + Reclaiming Your Domain
Orgasmic Mastery
Deepening Surrender, Receptivity, + Trust
Accessing Hidden Desire
Integration + Cultivating Your Queen Practices Ongoing
Tantric Awakening + Pleasure Expansion
Expanding Your Influence + Living as a Jade Queen
"Initially I was nervous. I had taken other courses and thought maybe it would be the same and I’d be stuck & disappointed. I was so wrong!!
With Kamala’s teaching style and real ness, I was immediately comfortable and felt safe & held in her presence. I was able to push thru many blocks & establish a new relationship with my body. She is a wealth of knowledge & teaching from experience.
I now have a new understanding & exercises to awaken and feel areas that had previously felt numb. This course also re-inspired me to set time aside for myself and to connect with a deeper side of my femininity. To cleanse and release shame around my body & sexuality.
I’m telling all my friends to take their pleasure seriously and do this course. It’s amazing and one of the best choices I have ever made for ME!"
Dre McManus - Erotic Blueprint Coach
"What an extraordinary and empowering gift Kamala is sharing with other women! I took her Jade Egg course during the midst of an emotional roller coaster of a relationship that left me feeling undervalued and a bit broken. In starting the course I was nervous that I wasn't "ready" or whole enough to be fully present or capable of embracing's Kamala's teachings. I'm so glad that I didn't let my concerns get the best of me- and that I showed up FOR ME.
Those concerns immediately dissipated during our first class as I realized the ultra safe and loving space that Kamala held for us. Kamala creates a nurturing environment in her class and one in which everyone feels comfortable, valuable, and heard.
Each week her vast knowledge of jade egg practices and female sexuality in general blew me away. I didn't even realize how much I didn't know about my own body/anatomy until taking her class - at 36!
Kamala is an incredibly gifted teacher and speaker who is passionate about female pleasure and wants you to have the best sex imaginable with your partner, while also honoring your own innate sensuality and sexuality and the power that we each hold to achieve the sex life of our dreams- whether it's with ourselves or others. After a long period of feeling uninspired by sex and self-pleasure, I ended her class series feeling sexy, confident, empowered, and TURNED ON to the possibilities within. Kamala empowers her students to love on themselves in ways that society often doesn't want women to do.
With a new found appreciation for my sensual body and the gifts it provides, I can honestly say that learning from Kamala has been one of the most empowering journeys I've experienced.
Love yourself harder than EVER this year and gift yourself a course with Kamala!"
Lindsay Carlisle - Boudoir Photographer. www.LindsayCarlisleBoudoir.com
"This course really allowed me to connect to myself in a different way.
When I signed up for Kamala’s Jade Queen course, I was looking for a new way to connect to my sensuality, my sexuality, and to get to know my yoni and sexual energy in an intimate way. How, in this course, I was able to awaken and feel into new areas of myself felt very fascinating and exciting to me. I really connected my mind and spirit to my yoni and sexual energy and what I love about it is that I got to really honor parts of myself that I never got to honor before.I was blown away by the amount of NEWNESS I had in my body, my spirit, my energy, and my aliveness. I started to notice new ACTIVATED sensations in my yoni, I was able to get intimate with myself in a way that Ive never felt before... and I'm excited at the expansion it has created in my body and in my spirit.
IF you’re looking to try out the jade egg practice, I highly recommend Kamala’s course. It’s a lot of fun and you’ll get to discover a lot about yourself and let go of a lot of things that may not be serving you anymore so you can really shine and grow in your spirit and sexuality and who you are as a human being. …
Thank you so much to Kamala for having this course. She was an amazing guide, teacher, and was so welcoming and loving. It was an amazing experience, great community, and I feel so blessed to have been a part of it."
Cindy Manit - Community Building Consultant www.CindyManit.com
"I took Kamala’s Jade Egg Course and really loved it. I myself am a body worker and teacher but had never done this specific work, so I was quite thrilled with how it fit into my other movement practices. It also came to me at a crucial time in my life after intensive treatment and surgery. My body felt so broken and this practice was a great way to deepen my own healing process with my body. Kamala is very knowledgeable and giving and truly wants to share her wisdom which is beneficial to add to any movement or healing practice. I especially loved the guided meditations and weekly exercises we were given. This course is definitely worth it and is such a gift that your body deserves."
Shannon Knorr - Pilates + Yoga instructor www.embodypilatesstudio.com
"Thank you Kamala for teaching such important work! I love how this body of knowledge and wisdom has helped increase my vitality, ground and metabolize some intense energies I've been working with, and integrate the practices to nourish my sexual energy and body. Living the busy and disconnected modern lives that we do, all women could benefit from this wisdom. You create such a loving, friendly and safe space to learn about this together, and I know any woman who was interested would feel held and met by your kindness, enthusiasm and depth of knowledge!"
Ursula Ferreira - www.apothecaryforthesoul.com
Kamala’s Favorite Oils and Self-Love Goodies (valued at $99)
My list of favorite high-quality oils for breast and body massage as well as my pleasure wands + accoutrements for your self-love explorations + sexing. (PDF guide)
Sexy Pre-Date Ritual practice (valued at $197)
A short n sweet guided practice to get yourself primed in all the right ways before you go out on a date. Includes some magical intention setting so you set the energy of the date for yourself before you walk out the door. (guided audio)
Moontime Yoga (valued at $99)
A tried and true yoga sequence combining restorative and yin yoga to give your body deep support during your cycle. It’s also great anytime you are feeling run-down or depleted. (PDF guide)
Pelvic Floor Health Guide: (valued at $99)
Simple tips for maintaining a healthy pelvic floor outside of your jade egg practice for lifelong support and vitality. (PDF guide)
I've experienced both quality + crap over 15+ years when it comes to online training, teachers, and coaches so I'm dedicated to providing a safe space where you can relax and be yourself. I know the resistance and concerns that can come up in trusting and hiring a professional for something as intimate as your sexuality. No one wants to feel like the wisdom and experience they already have gets dismissed once they hire a guide. That's not how I do things. I'm going to teach you from my knowledge and expertise AND empower you to trust your inner guidance and validate your own experiences because that is at the heart of this work. You are already a wise, beautiful being and I am here to help in specific areas of your life. I believe 100% in what I teach AND, you are free to take what works for you as it serves you, and leave what doesn't.
Professionally speaking, I am a Holistic Sexuality and Sensual Empowerment Coach and Ritualist with over twenty years of study and practice in the healing and spiritual arts including yoga, Tantra, Taoist healing, dance, and multiple coaching certifications. I more recently completed an intensive course of study and certification with the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, that included intensive focus on the Jade Egg.
Click on the email link below to contact me directly to schedule a free 20min chat so we can speak to any questions, insecurities or curiosities you have before we dive in to this luscious group program together.